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这些历经岁月洗礼的独特钱币收藏品,将历史铭刻于您的手中。从古希腊到日本帝国。如果您想要 10 件以上,请随时通过order@educationalcoin.com联系我们,了解其他包装选择。
Medieval Armenia: A Six-Coin Collection (MEDARMENIA6CNBOX)
Madonna & Child Box: Virgin Mary and baby Jesus Silver Denar of Hungary (One-Coin Box) (MADONNA-CHILDBOX)
The Last Coins of Ancient Greece Box: The Thessalian League with Coin of Apollo/Athena (One-Coin Box) (GREEKTHESSALIANBOX)
Nicholas II of Russia: The Last Romanov (Boxed Set of Four Coins and a Stamp) (NICHOLASII5CNBOX)
The Most Powerful Woman Who Ever Lived: Box of Silver Roman Denarius of Julia Domna (One-Coin Box) (JULIADOMNABOX)
The Greek World: Box of 12 Bronze Coins from the Time of Ancient Greece (wooden boxed collection) (GREEKBRZ12CNBOX-B)
Under Siege: Sack of the Great Cities Six Coin Collection (UNDERSIEGE6CNBOX)
Creatures of Greek Myth (Three-Coin Box) (GREEKMYTH3CNBOX)
The First "War on Drugs�: Great Britain, China, and the Opium War (Two-Coin Box) (OPIUMWAR2CNBOX)
The Black Sea: A History in Six Coins (Six-Coin Box) (BLACKSEA6CNBOX)
First Jewish Coin Box: Ancient Judaean Coin of the Second Temple Period (One-Coin Box) (JUD1STCNBOX)
Jerusalem: The Holy City: A Collection of 8 Coins (Eight-Coin Box) (JERUSALEM8CNBOX)
Biblical Holy Land: Box of 12 Ancient Judaea Coins from the time of Jesus (Twelve-Coin Boxed Set) (JUD12CNBOX-D)
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Box of 20 Bronze Coins of Ancient Rome (Twenty-Coin Boxed Set) (ROMBRZ20CNBOX-G)
Black Hand:The Assassination of the Archduke & The Great War Coin Box (BLACKHANDBOX)
Crusader: Friends & Foes, Box of 6 Silver Medieval Coins (Six-Coin Box) (CRUSADER6CNBOX-B)
Islam: 12 Silver Coin Collection (ISLAM12CNBOX)
Nazi Germany: A Boxed Collection of 12 Coins (Twelve-Coin Boxed Set) (NAZICOLLECTION)
Crusades Four Silver Coin Boxed Collection (CRUSADES4CNBOX)
The Jewish Wars with Rome: A Box of 6 Ancient Bronze Roman and Judaean Coins (Six-Coin Box) (JUDWAR6CNBOX)
Adolf Hitler: A collection of four coins and one stamp (Five-Coin Box) (HITLER5CNBOX)
Imperial Japan: Box of Silver Japanese Coin (One-Coin Box) (JAPAN50SENBOX)
Crimea: A History in 8 Coins (boxed collection) (CRIMEA8CNBOX)
Constantine the Great: "Eyes to Heaven" Coin (One-Coin Box) (CONSTEYESHEAVENBOX)
Winston Churchill: Five Coin Collection (Five-Coin Box) (CHURCHILL5BOX)
The Renaissance: Four Silver Coins (boxed set) (RENAISSANCESL4CNBOX)
Constantine Dynasty: Box of 8 Roman Bronze Coins (Eight-Coin Box) (CONSTGRT8CNBOX)
Three Kings: Journey of the Magi (three coin boxed collection) (THREEKINGSMAGI3CNBOX)
CONSTDYN5SLAB-BOX House of Constantine: A Collection of Five Slabbed Coins (VF) (Five-Coin Box) (CONSTDYN5SLAB-BOX)
Renaissance: Boxed Set of Six Silver Coins (Six-Coin Box) (RENAISSANCESL6CNBOX-C)
Risen Sun: The First Coin of Jesus Christ (One-Coin Box) (RISENSUNBOX)
QE2-20CNBOX Queen Elizabeth II: A Collection of 20 Portrait Coins (Twenty-Coin Boxed Set) (QE2-20CNBOX)
Religions of The Ancient World: Box of 12 Ancient Coins (Twelve-Coin Boxed Set) (RELIGION12CNBOX-B)
Second World War: Triumph & Tragedy (10 Historical Coins) (10-WW2-TRIUMPH)
The Last Battle of the American Revolution (3-coin boxed collection) (AMREV3CNBOX)
Second World War: D-Day.10 Historical Coins from the European Theater (10-WW2-EUROPE)
Second World War: Pearl Harbor | 10 Historical Coins of the Pacific Theater (10-WW2-PACIFIC)
Alexander the Great Silver Tetradrachm (One-Coin Box) (ALEXTETBOX)
Afghanistan: A History in Coins (Twelve-Coin Boxed Set) (AFGHANISTAN12CNBOX)
20 Different Roman Emperors, in ungraded NGC slabs, in box LIMITED EDITION (Twenty-Coin Boxed Set) (20ROMEMPBOX-LG-NGC(LG))
Signature Moments of the Second World War: A collection of 20 coins (Twenty-Coin Boxed Set) (20CN-WWII-SIGNATURE)
The Age of Chaos: Box of 6 Roman Coins from the Crisis of Third Century (Six-Coin Box) (AGEOFCHAOSSL6CNBOX)
Christian Cup Coins Box Set: A Medieval Mystery (Two-Coin Box) (CHRISTCUP2CNBOX)
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