Loose Roman
ECC is the world’s largest wholesale supplier of Roman coins. We have hundreds of thousands of pieces in stock, in both silver and bronze, including an unrivaled inventory of Constantine Dynasty material. Because of the wide range of types, grades, portraits, and reverses, it is not possible to offer prices online. After consultation, we will be able to assess your needs and offer quotes.
Septimius Severus Denarius (193-211 Ce) (C) Roman Empire
FCH-FVFCH-VFXFCH-XFAUTrajan Denarius (98-117 CE) (C) Roman Empire
FCH FVFCH VFXFHadrian Denarius (117-138 CE) (C) Roman Empire
FCH-FVFCH-VFXFCH-XFAntoninus Pius, Roman Empire (138-161 CE), Denarius
FVFCH VFXFCH XFAUCommodus Denarius (177-192 CE) (C) Roman Empire
FCH-FVFCH-VFXFDomitian Denarius (81-96 CE) (C) Roman Empire
VGFCH-FVFCH-VFFaustina The Elder (Died 140 Ce), Denarius(C)