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Monedas antiguas e históricas, de Europa, Tierra Santa, India, Asia y el mundo islámico.
In-Kunin-Da Ancient India, Kuninda Kingdom, King Amoghabhuti And Later (C.200 Bce - C.200 Ce), Drachm(C)
Chin-Sung-Yy China, Song Dynasty, Emperor Shenzong (1067-1085 Ce), Xi Ning Yuan Bao (1068-1077 Ce), Cash Coins(C)
Chin-Sung-Hn China, Song Dynasty, Emperor Shenzong (1067-1085 Ce), Xi Ning Bao (1067-1077 Ce), Cash Coins(C)
Chin-Sung-Hs China, Song Dynasty, Emperor Renzong (1010-1063 Ce), Huang Song Yuan Bao (1039-1054 Ce), Cash Coins(C)
Rabbel II (70-106 CE) (C) Ancient Greek, Arabia, Kingdom Of Nabatea
In-Jaunpur-Tanka Medieval India, Jaunpur Sultinate, Hussain Shah (1458-1479 Ce), Tanka(C)
Byz-Justinian-Folles-Fractions Byzantine Justinian 1 Folles And Fractions 539 Ad(C)
Rom-Br-Constgrt-Gate Roman Empire, Constantine The Great (306-337 Ce), Centenionalis(C)
Gk-Pisidia-Brz Ancient Greece, Asia Minor, Pisidia, Selge (2Nd And 1St Century Bce), Bronze Unit(C)
Rom-Br-Vetranio Roman Empire, Vetranio, With Constantius Ii (350 Ce), Nummus(C)
In-Dosassmix Ancient India, Gurjura Kingdom Of Sindh (780-980 Ce), Drachm(C)
In-Rajput Medieval India And Afghanistan Dynasties, (Including The Rajputs): Post-Shahi Bull & Horse Silver Jitals, Ca.1000 To 1200 Ce.(C)
Byz-Justin-Ii-Sophia Byzantine Follis And Fractions Of Justin Ii And Sophia (Including Pentanummia)(C)
In-Sunga-Sq1 Ancient India, Sunga Empire (C.185-75 Bce), 1/4 Karshapana(C)
Gk-Bactria-Menander-Brzsq Ancient Greek, India, Indo-Greek Kingdoms, Menander I (C.165/55-130 Bce), Bilingual Square Bronze Unit(C)
Med-Fran-Savoy Italy, Duke Of Savoy, Emanuele Filiberto Called The "Ironhead" (1553-1580), Quarter Soldo(C)
Med-Lith-Sigi Medieval Lithuania, Sigismund I "The Old", King Of Poland And Grand Duke Of Lithuania (1506-1548), Half Groschen(C)
Med-Ital-Verona Medieval Italy, Verona, Frederick Ii (1215-1250), Denaro(C)
In-Kushan-Smquarter Ancient India, Kushan Empire (30-375 Ce), Various Rulers, Quarter Units(C)
Byz-Cup-Jesus Cup-Shaped Bronze Coins Depicting Jesus Christ On The Obvers And Various Other Figures On The Reverse. Struck Over Several Centuries, From The 1100S-1400S.(C)
In-Nepal-Lichhavi-Drachm Ancient Nepal, Lichhavi Kingdom, Narendradeva (C.641-680 Ce), Drachm(C)
Russkmc6.1 Russian Empire, Elizabeth (1741-1762), Kopek(C)
Mattathias Antigonus II Prutah( 40-37 BCE) (C), Judea, Hasmonean Dynasty,
In-Khwar-Horse Medieval India, Khwarezmian Empire, Muhammad Ii (1200-1220 Ce),Horse Type, Jital(C)
Rom-Br-Colonialgord-3Rd Colonial Coinage(C)
Is-Khwar-Sl Islamic Word, Khwarazmian Shahs, (1077-1231 Ce), Dirham(C)
Gk-Persis-Hemidrachm Greek World, Kingdom Of Persis (C.223 Bce - 200 Ce), Hemidrachm(C)
Byz-Heraclius-Follis Byzantine Empire: Heraclius (610-641) ) Follis(C)
In-Mubarak Medieval India, Sultinate Of Bengal, Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah (1338-1349 Ce), Jital(C)
Aretas II,III,IV and Queen Shaqilath (9-40 CE)(C) Ancient Greek, Arabia, Kingdom Of Nabatea, "The Beheading Of John The Baptist"
Is-Otto-Sl-Abdulhamid-I Ottoman Empire, Abdul Hamid I (1773-1789 Ce), Para(C)
Is-Rasulids Islamic World, Yemen, Rasulid Dyansty (1228-1454 Ce), Dirham(C)
Rom-Br-Valentin2Ndae4 Roman Empire, Valentinian Ii (375-392 Ce), Half Centenionalis(C)
Frenchindiakm52 French Colonial Empire, India, Pondicheery Mint, Issued C.1836-1837 Ce, Doudou(C)
Is-Eretnids Islamic World, Anatolia, Eretnid Dynasty, (1335-1381 Ce) Dirham(C)
Is-Ayyubids Islamic World, Ayyubid Dynasty (1171-1260 Ce), Dirham(C)
Chin-Qing-Kh China, Qing Dyansty, Kangxi Emperor (1662-1722 Ce), Cash Coins (C)
Med-Fran-Puy France, Auvergne, Bishopric Of Puy (C.1100-1300 Ce), Denier(C)
Rom-Br-Alexsevnic-B Roman World, Severus Alexander (222-235 Ce), Bythnia, Nicea, Local Coinage, Bronze Unit(C)
Is-Ilkhanid-Ulj Islamic World, Ilkhanids, Uljaytu (1304-1316 Ce), 2 Dirhams(C)
Is-Buyid-Fakhr Medieval Islamic World, Buyid Dynasty, Fakhr Al-Dawla (984-997 Ce), Dirham(C)
In-Sunga-Sqsml Ancient India, Sunga Empire (C.185-75 Bce), 1/8 Karshapana(C)
Chin-Qing-Cl China, Qing Dyansty, Qianlong Emperor (1736-1796 Ce), Cash Coins (C)
Rom-Br-Valentin2Ndae2 Roman Empire, Valentinian Ii (375-392 Ce), Maiorina(C)
Is-Shaybanids Islamic World, Central Asia, Shaybanid Empire Dynasty (1501-1599 Ce), Tanka(C)
Med-Swed-Liv-Carlxi Swedish Empire, Livonia, Carl Xi (1665-1697), Solidus Or Schilling(C)
Gk-Bactria-Hermaeus-Tet Ancient Greek, India, Indo-Greek Kingdoms, Hermaeus (C.90-70 Bce), Tetradrachm(C)
Is-Ilkhanid-Tagh Islamic World, Ilkhanids, Togha Temur (1335-1353 Ce), 6 Dirhams(C)
In-Sunga-Sq3 Ancient India, Sunga Empire (C.185-75 Bce), 1/4 Karshapana(C)
Gk-Mysia-Pergamon-Nike Greek World, Asia Monor, Mysia, Pergamon (2Nd Century Bce), Bronze Unit(C)
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